Monday, April 27, 2015

Week 7- Flying Week

We only have 4 pups left :( It was great to meet everyone that came to pick up their pups!

Colby Moe- Boise, Idaho

Nick Whitehead- Butte, MT

Jordan Rushton- SLC, UT

James Johnson- Wolf Point, MT

Delaney and Zachary- Louisiana
And here is the video as promised by Hank.

 Scout is trying really hard to wean the pups all the way but they won't leave her alone!
She is such a good mama!

 Dog pile on mom!

And the pups we have left that fly out on Friday.  They weren't being very photogenic today, they all wanted to play too much.

 Blue- Eduardo, SC

Yellow- Zachary- Houston, TX

Red- Kirby Allen, Birmingham, AL

2 spot (black)- Barry Steinert- Milwaukee, WI

The packages of the AKC papers, microchip information, health records, and a blanket with Scout's scent on it is in the mail.  You should be receiving it by Thursday.  I think we are all set to fly the pups on this FRIDAY!!!  I can't wait for you all to meet your new puppy! 
Thanks to all and remember to keep us posted with pictures!
Cort and Amanda Jones

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Week 6!

If you are picking your pup up you get it THIS WEEK!!!  We can't even believe how fast the past 7 weeks has gone.  We will miss these pups so much but are excited for you all to get them in your homes.  Our boys have been to the pet store to pick out a toy for each pup to bring home and have had so much fun playing with the pups every day.  I think everything is squared away with details and all we have left is pick up and shipping pups.  Remember to sign the contract/bill of sale and either bring it or email it to us.  If your pup is being flown the flights are booked and the email I sent last week about the flights are all correct.  I will be sending an email this week of where and how to pick up your pup on Friday, May 1st at the airport and more details about the pups flight.  
The pups got their first set of shots this week, and a small dose of dewormer.  This will give them a little immunity towards sickness, however, we highly suggest you keep your pup away from highly populated places, especially where other dogs have been, until they at least get their second set of shots at 9-10 weeks old.  Then they need the third set of shots at 12-13 weeks old.  When you pick up your pup we will insert the tracking microchip and give you the information on how to activate it.  If your pup is being flown we will insert the chip before it flys and send you the information in the mail as well as the AKC papers.
If you are picking up your pup you may want to consider bringing a small crate or something to haul your pup in.  You may want to just carry him or her on your lap, but a word of warning that they have not traveled a far distance in the car and may get car sick.  We will send you home with a baggie of the food we are feeding the pups and you can continue to feed the brand that I emailed or slowly add the new brand to what we are feeding if you choose to switch brands to help your pup not get sick from switching foods.  
And here is the last video of the pups from this week.  After we finished this video our son, Hank, said "I don't want that to be the last video!" So I told him he could do a video next week of the pups that are flying so you may get one more video courtesy of Hank ;)

And here are some individual pictures just to get you excited about seeing your pup for the first time really soon!  Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns we can address.
Thank you, you have all been fantastic to work with and we have enjoyed getting to know you all.  Please stay in contact and we would love to get pictures and updates of your pup as it grows!

Daniel- No Collar

James- Pink

Zachary- Yellow

Nick- Sparkly Blue

Kirby- Red

Colby- Light Blue

Barry- Black

Jordan- Sparkly green

Ed- Dark Blue

Cort trying to take a nap with a pile of puppies!