Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Week 4- Merry Christmas!

Week 4 of the puppies!  They are growing and changing every day! They are getting active and eating puppy food.  We are starting them on Iams puppy food if you would like to get some to continue them on the same food.  If you want to switch puppy food just do it slowly.  Only 3 more weeks until pick up day!  Right now we are planning on the weekend of January 8-10 for puppy pick up but we can be flexible and work with your schedule for when would be the easiest time for you to come, just let us know.  Remember final payments are due Jan. 3rd the link to the total is 
If you would like to pay with credit card text me and I will send you an invoice. If you are paying by cash or check please make sure we received it in the mail by the 3rd so we can have plenty of time to make sure all is cleared.  We have received the official AKC registration papers for the pups and will give them to you at pick up day.  Also please review our puppy contract also on the link listed above.  We will have this contract for you to sign at puppy pick up day also.
Now on to the video and pictures!

The pups are getting more difficult to capture in a picture.  Especially the "light twin" he is crazy!  He can't hold still because he is too busy using his nose sniffing around the house.  The hardwood floor is a little difficult for most of the pups to walk on still so that makes it a little easier.  

Here is a picture of all the males
From left to right- dark twin, little spot, light twin

Dark coat-lighter brown 
As you can tell the dark twin has a darker coat but the brown on him is a little lighter, he is the fattest, biggest pup of the litter and so far is pretty chill.  He has the shortest coat of the litter also.

Little Spot 
Little spot is still the littlest of the whole litter with only one little brown spot on his back.  He is going to be the hairiest pup of the litter and has the sweetest personality.

And then there is the light twin. I don't even think we can call them the twins anymore because they are not very much alike at all!  Dark twin is a big boy and really chill and the light twin is always on the go sniffing around.  He keeps running into things around the house because he gets sniffing and forgets to look.  So far he has the most personality and is the most playful but things can change really quick with these pups and their personalities. 

Don't mind me just peeing in the house- I'm not house-trained.

Little Lady 
Little Lady isn't so little.  She is definitely one of the sweetest pups though.  She likes to cuddle right now and doesn't love to be alone.  Her coat is definitely going to be hairy but not quite as hairy as little spot.  She hasn't figured out how to get around very well on the hard wood floor but is active on the rug.  She gets a lot of attention from Hank who claims she is his "favorite"

We hope you all have a very Merry Christmas!

-The Jones family

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