Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Week 5

We hope you all had a wonderful Christmas!  We headed out of town until yesterday so sorry the video this week is late.  The puppies have changed more this week than any other.  Every single one of them are active and exploring.  They are all able to get out of the whelping box in the garage and are very curious about the new world they are discovering, especially the white stuff that is outside.  The boys have had them out playing in the snow all day while sledding but aren't fans of the pups nipping at their snow pants while they are running around.  They are all so cute and there isn't a bad pup in this litter, but are all very different in appearance.  As far as their personalities, they are all very much puppies and very curious.  Little Lady is still such a sweetheart, she likes to be babied a little more than the rest, maybe that's just because we like having a little girl around here with all the boys... The lighter pup is still the most curious and uses his nose to get around like crazy! He seems to be the most active and interested pup so far.  The darker pup is getting more active every day but still likes to chill more than the rest.  And little spot is just darling.  His fluffy coat and sweet personality are to die for!  We can't believe we have only two more weeks with these pups running around our farm, we are growing quite attached to them.
This week is picking week!!!  As soon as we hear from the first pick we will text pick 2 for their choice and then pick 3.  We would like to have the pups picked by Sunday, January 3rd.  If you need any help or would like to talk on the phone about any particular pup don't hesitate to call.  I will also try to send out some more pictures by text this week of each pup.
This weeks schedule is payment week by the 3rd.  If you are sending a cashiers check or cash please text me and let me know to watch for it in the mail.  If you want to pay by credit card text me and I will send you an invoice, it is very easy to pay this way.  Also if you need a total of the final payment let me know.  We just need to know if you are wanting full breeding/showing rights for your pup or not.
Then the next week, Jan. 10th weekend is pick up week so be thinking of a good time for you to come pick up your pup and let us know and we will do our best to accommodate you with your travels!

Happy Holidays!
The Jones' Family

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